Friday, February 1, 2008


It is always easily said then done. The world may not be static but when it comes to reality, bending a young branch is much easier than before it reaches to become part of a full grown tree. That is the time when you have either to saw or use an axe to remove the old twig from the tree 'cos it can no longer be bent anymore. It is not a matter of possessing the negative feelings but it does restrict the movements of advancement through aging although one may argue that things will change for the better at their own natural pace progressively but of course at a longer period.

Naturally, one would like to change for the better by casting away all those negative thoughts and old ways but in short it still boils down to the same principle as mentioned earlier. Another good proverb is that "one can pull a cow to the pond but one cannot force it to drink the water in the pond". You simply cannot change a person from the old ways overnight. No one in the right frame of his mind would want to remain static if the opportunities are one step way. Everyone wishes that the clock will able to turn back so as to be able to apply the vast experiences gained from the ups and downs of life to become a successful and better person. But circumstances forbid new changes in a very short time, just like "Rome was not built in one day".

I, for one, support changes but at times it is quite discouraging especially when you need assistance it would always be miles apart. I agree that through positive thoughts things will one day change for the better but it is always a matter of running out of patience without positive supports.

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